Sensi Chew Energy Cannabis Chocolate Caramel Review

Before adult recreational use of cannabis was legal in California, as a medical marijuana user, SensiChew was one of my favorite edibles. Especially their Energy product, which had a good 50mg dose of caffeine that boosted the positive effects of the THC. Now with new state regulations, they have adjusted the formulas. Thankfully the great taste and powerful effects remain in the new formulas.


Sensi Chew come in various formulas for specific effects. Sativa for daytime, Indica for nighttime/insomnia and hybrid for anytime. There are also specific CBD formulas for pain and an aphrodisiac formula for “amoré”.

Sensi Chew newer formula of their Energy product is labeled as anti-fatigue and has 40mg of natural Ginseng per dose. The website says “Sensi Chew Energy 100 mg is for patients with pain, who want to medicate and be alert, and have a THC tolerance.” I agree, these edibles are not appropriate for people who are new to edibles who may have little thc tolerance. I have a lot of experience and a healthy tolerance yet I still find these strong.

Sensi Chews are made with natural ingredients that you would use to make caramel at home. There are not lots of chemicals or ingredients you’ve never heard of. They do contain butter, so they are not suitable for vegans.

Sensi Chew Multiple

Taste & Dosing

All of the Sensi Chews have a smooth chocolatey-caramel flavor that reminds one of the tootsie-roll candies. There is not a strong cannabis flavor as it is well balanced with the chocolate and caramel flavors.  I wondered if the ginseng would alter the flavor, but I didn’t taste any other flavors. They recommend letting a piece dissolve sublingually – under the tongue – for faster onset.

Sensichew Cannabis Infused chocolate caramel ENERGY bar 100mg of thc and 40mg of ginseng per dose

The full 100mg bar comes scored to make it pretty easy to break into 10 pieces of 10mg each. It is caramel, so it is a bit stretchy and sticky. Putting this in the fridge or freezer for a little while before cutting it makes for cleaner cuts. It also makes it harder to cut than when at room temperature, so always take care and cut safely.

As always if you are new to a cannabis edible, only take half of your usual dose the first time. I am a seasoned edible user and I find these strong, so it is easy to over do it with these. Proceed with caution. If you have never tried edibles and are starting with these, first cut off one piece (10mg), then cut that 10mg piece into four pieces so you have four 2.5mg pieces. Start with one of those small pieces and wait two hours to notice the effects. You can always take more but you can’t take less.

My usual dose is 10mg and I took 5 mg first. I definitely noticed the effects and they were mild enough that I went up to 7.5mg another time and then another day went up to 10mg. My usual dose is plenty for these edibles. Again, start low and slow with these as they are potent.


The effects are what you would expect from a Sativa-dominant hybrid. There is an energy boost, likely supported by the ginseng, that is pronounced without being overbearing. These are very strong, so I could see how taking more than my usual dose could give an over-revved, too hyper feeling.

I did let it dissolve under my tongue and felt the energy boost first, about 45 mins after taking it, with the full effects coming on around 90 minutes after ingestion. As with most edibles, your body chemistry and the contents of your stomach will impact the effects. Having a cup of coffee and a little bit of fat like an avocado half with the edible will usually create a much stronger effect than if you ate a big breakfast with no caffeine and then took the edible.

I really enjoy the effects of these edibles, a clear head, focus, energy and some pain relief body effects as well. I am very sensitive to Indica-type effects of cannabis such as relaxation or tiredness. I did notice with these, since they are made for pain relief, that after a couple of hours it does become more of a body-focused relaxed high as the energy effects fade.

Flavor: 8

Strength: 9
