Kanha NANO Vegan Cannabis Infused Sativa Gummies Review

Kanha’s vegan NANO are “enhanced nanomolecular gummies”, meaning they are more fast-acting than edibles that don’t use that technology. The cannabis infused Luscious Lemon flavor Sativa and Blood Orange Bliss Indica gummies each contain 5mg dose of THC per gummy. There are 20 pieces for a package total of 100mg THC.

These gummies are made without gelatin, so they are vegetarian and vegan friendly. Instead they use pectin, natural coloring and flavoring. They are gluten-free and contain no food allergens like dairy, nuts or soy. Each piece has 29 calories so the whole bag sets you back only 290 calories.

Kanha Vegan Nano Cannabis Infused Sativa Gummies

Taste & Effects

The Sativa product of this line of gummies is labeled is a Luscious Lemon flavor. The smell from the package is seriously citrus and lemony. I found these gummies to be a bit sticky, so it’s best to keep them refrigerated to keep stickiness to a minimum. Each gummy is covered in a fine sugar coating that provides an initial sweet taste. Once that disappears, there is a tart lemon taste and a very slight cannabis oil taste. Unlike other Kanha gummies I’ve tried – such as Kahna’s Sativa Cherry gummies – they are not artificial tasting, because they contain only natural flavoring. Kanha gummies are robust, taking a good five minutes to dissolve in the mouth if you don’t chew them up.

As with all new edibles, I took half of my usual dose the first time to judge how strong they are. The Nano gummies come in packages with twenty(20) 5mg pieces. My usual dose is 10mg of THC, so I started with one gummy of 5mg THC. I took it first one afternoon at home. I didn’t feel much of an effect, even after 2 1/2 hours. I tried again the next morning at the full 10 mg dose.

I did experience a quicker onset of the experience, with effects beginning to be noticeable within 30 minutes and growing to a full effect by the end of the first hour. With the Sativa, it began with a slight uplift effect, plus what I can best describe as a “caffeinated” edge. This is not the same energy-boost and focus-boost type of effect that I associate with some Sativa products, but more of a sharper-edged feeling. I did experience a noticeable increase in senses that I experience with other sativa edibles. This was a little bit like I was slightly on edge from too much caffeine and very focused. It was a clear-headed effect, I didn’t feel dazed or “stoned” and was able to get some work done around the house. The Indica has more typical Indica effect, with more of a relaxed body impact and a bit more spacey head.

Kanha Nano Vegan Blood Orange Bliss Indica Cannabis gummies
Kanha Nano Vegan Blood Orange Bliss Indica

I usually find 10mg of THC is a good dose for me, but for many folks 5mg gives them the effects they want. I tried these again several times at my usual 10mg dose and just didn’t get the strength of effects that I wanted. It may be the strain or the hybrid that went into making the cannabis oil or this could’ve just been a mild batch. I ended up cutting one in half so I could increase the dose to closer to12.5mg. That helped, so if you are tolerant of THC and experienced with edibles, you may find after testing that a but more than your usual dose may be needed to get the effects you want.

With what I experienced as a mild effect, these are great for people who are sensitive to THC or who get the effects they want from a lower dose. Always start low and go slow with edibles and judge the impact for yourself, as we all react differently to different cannabis edibles.

Wrap Up

I love it when edibles are labeled as Sativa or Indica to give folks a better idea of the effects to expect. Kanha Vegan NANO gummies are a good choice. While I find the flavor just okay, it didn’t put me off of using them. Overall a good choice if you are looking for mild effects in a Sativa or Indica vegan THC gummy edible with quicker onset of effects.

Now available in California, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Illinois.

Taste: 4

Strength: 5

Website: https://sunderstorm.com/kanha-gummies/?#nano

Kiva Lost Farms Strain-Specific Live Resin Cannabis Gummies & Chews Review

Kiva’s line of Lost Farms edibles are strain specific, live resin cannabis gummies. They combine great taste with specific effects and so are one of our favorites.

The line comes in four flavors of gummies and three flavors of chews, each featuring a specific strain of cannabis. For experienced cannabis users who are familiar with specific strains, these are a welcome change to the usual edibles that are often made with a variety of strains mixed together, often not even labeled as one of a group such as Sativa, Indica or Hybrid.

Each gummy has 10mg of THC and 0mg of CBD per serving, for a total of 100mg THC and 0mg of CBD per package. These gummies are not just infused with the usual distilled THC but are formulated with a specific strain like Blue Dream or Clementine to help create more specific effects.

Kiva Lost Farm Family of Cannabis Infused Gummies made with live resin

My local dispensary charges $22 for a package, making it $2.20 for each 10mg serving of THC, close to the same price point as the Kiva Camino gummies or the Kiva 100mg cannabis Chocolate bars.

These gummies do not contain gelatin, so they are vegetarian and vegan friendly. They do contain potato starch but it’s not a large percentage of the ingredients. The gummies are not individually wrapped and the packages are pretty easily resealable.

Dosing & Flavor

The smell from the tube or bag is primarily a strong fruit smell. Unlike the Camino gummies which are smooth and see-through, these have a more of a fruit chew appearance and a sugar-covered texture. They easy to bite through and melt about the same as Camino gummies.

The gummy flavors are Raspberry, Strawberry Lemonade, Juicy Peach and Citrus Spritz. Raspberry is made with the strain Blue Dream for the Sativa strain and Wedding Cake for the Indica strain. Strawberry Lemonade is made with Super Lemon Haze for the Sativa and Strawberry Bananaz for the Indica. Juicy Peach is made with the Sativa-dominant hybrid strain Mimosa. Unfortunately, as of March 2021, the Citrus Spritz flavor made with the strain Clementine is no longer available.

The chews come in Blueberry made with hybrid strain Blue Dream, Key Lime made with the Sativa-dominant hybrid strain Lemon Meringue and Watermelon made with the Indica-dominant strains Wedding Cake x Watermelon Zkittlez.

The flavors are somewhat sugar-forward since the outside of the gummies are coated with a sugary substance. The chews come without the outer coating and a bit more translucent. They all do have fruit flavors but they seem to border right on the line between solid natural flavor and more candy-type flavors. Mostly it is a mild citrus and fruit flavor that doesn’t have any bad aftertaste or strong THC flavor. A mild sour note gives these that suggestion of sourness and the fruit flavors suggest a flavor but you wouldn’t think you are biting into a real berry or slice of watermelon, they are more candy-flavors, although they do use real fruit powders as part of flavoring.

As we always recommend with new edibles, try half of your usual dose before trying a full dose as you never know how strong something will effect you. The chews and gummies are easy to bite in half to give a 5mg dose of THC. Since I am experienced with edibles and my usual dose is 10mg of THC, I began with half of one piece, with 5mg THC. After having only light effects for that trial run, I then moved closer to my usual dose on another day, taking one whole gummy for a total dose of 10mg THC. I sometimes use two and a one quarter pieces for a 12.5mg dose of THC when I want a stronger effect, if I have recently eaten or if I’ve taken CBD, which can tamp down the effects for me.


The effects I experienced were closely aligned with the effects I’ve enjoyed when smoking these strains, only adjusted to be edible effects. For the hybrids, a lovely elevated and relaxed feeling, while still being alert and energetic. More alertness and energy with the Sativa-dominant strains like Super Lemon Haze, and more relaxing and chill impacts from the Indica-dominent strains like Wedding Cake. I love the Sativa and hybrids for interacting with nature whether it’s gardening, “forest bathing” or a walk on the beach. As someone who enjoys photography, those are great for staying alert to great images without feeling over-hyped and at the same time the mild relaxation leaves you open to possibility. Similar impacts with the Blue Dream, a positive effect of a dreamy, elevated mind along with an Indica kind of body relaxation that isn’t too strong that you just want to sit down. The Indicas I find very relaxing as I’m sensitive to the effects of Indica strains.

Enjoyable flavor profiles and strain-specific effects are exactly what I look for when I want to elevate and Kiva’s Lost Farm cannabis edibles do a great job on both counts.

Read the reviews of Kiva’s Camino gummies here.

Taste: 8

Strength: 7

Website: https://www.kivaconfections.com/brand/lost-farm

Kikoko Cannabis Infused Organic Teas Review

Kikiko has a line of four tasty teas that deliver various combinations of THC, CBD and CBN. Each one is formulated to deliver specific effects, as their names indicate: Tranquili-Tea, Positivi-Tea, Sympa-Tea and Sensuali-Tea.

Kikoko TeaTranquili-Tea is for relaxing and to help  you sleep, with 5mg of CBN and 3mg of THC. Positivi-Tea is for mood lifting and pain relieving effects with 10mg THC and 5 mg CBD. Sympa-Tea is for pain management and anxiety relief with 3mg of THC and 20mg of CBD. Sensuali-Tea is described as being “for passion and play” on the website, with 7mg of THC.

Kikoko uses organic ingredients and high quality cannabis in their products, so they are a premium product. This creates a price point per dose that is higher than the average edible or beverage. I am frugal so I usually re-use the teabag once. The label clearly says that there is no increase in potency after one minute and that these are single use teabags, but they have enough good flavors that they make a nice second cup of tea even if it doesn’t deliver any cannabis effects.


Tranquili Tea Kikoko

The Tranquili-Tea works very well. About 45 minutes after a cup in the evening I start to feel very relaxed, after an hour I usually feel like heading to bed. I am able to fall asleep easily and stay asleep. If I do get up it is not hard to get back to sleep. I sometimes feel a little something different in the morning, but too slight to call it a hangover, let’s call it a fuzziness that dissipates quickly. I especially love the tastes of peppermint, camomile, lemon myrtle and licorice root that come across without a medicinal taste. I had a friend who has gone through cans and cans of these as he has trouble sleeping and they work like a charm for him.

I’m a tea drinker and really like the taste of Tranquli-Tea. It’s THC dose is low, but you definitely feel the calming effects of the Indica cannabis. I would surely recommend their use as part of an evening wind down or anti-anxiety routine.


Positivi-Tea Kikoko

Positivi-Tea has the most THC of any of the Kikoko teas at 10mg. Due to that dosage, this tea has the strongest THC flavor of any of the teas we have tried. It is still barely noticeable and does not make the tea taste bad or medicinal. You have to like mint flavors if you want to like this tea as it has both peppermint and spearmint in it. Some folks are not a fan of peppermint, so this is not a taste they might like. I have fond memories of having tried teas in Amsterdam, so I was excited to try this.

While I usually take some caffeine with our edibles, the green tea in this product provides a good amount of caffeine to help boost the effect. Instead of having an edible with breakfast, I had this tea along with a medium sized breakfast. I started to feel the effects in a mild way in about an hour, which is longer than usual. Everyone is different and reacts differently to different products. Be aware that these may take longer to have the effects felt than other edibles or “drinkables”, so be patient when waiting for the effects.

After two hours I was only feeling a mild effect, what I usually expect from a 10mg THC dose when it is paired with CBD, because for me CBD reduces the impact of THC. The effect was noticeable, just weak. So many things effect how we respond on different days like the type and amount of food in our system. Whatever the reason, after two hours I felt I wanted a stronger effect so I augmented the tea with Mary’s Medicinals THC Transdermal Pen for a boost. The boost helped temporarily but soon I was back to only a mild effect. My experience is that this product is good for people who want a mild effect from a 10mg dose. It isn’t strong enough for me to use without boosting it with something else, or making a tronger batch.

Have not tried the Sensuali-tea, but the Sympa-tea has the pain relief you expect from a CBD dose.

These are one of the more expensive cannabis edibles per 10g dose that are available. For our chart of comparing your cost per 10mg THC dose, see our COst Per Dose post.

Kikoko’s teas are an excellent, high quality and unique way to elevate. Great flavor profiles and good strength make this a solid choice, especially when you want to treat yourself or those you love.

Taste: 8

Strength: 6

Website: www.kikoko.com

ZootDrops Premium Cannabis Infused Concentrate – Sativa High Energy “Yippee Ki-Yay” Mandarin Lime Flavored Blend Review

ZootDrops are a cannabis-infused liquid that can be added to drinks or taken straight. The cap is used to measure out one dose (1/2 teaspoon), which provides 5mg of THC. The green coffee bean extract and green tea in the Sativa High Energy Blend give this “drinkable” a real caffeine punch, that along with the THC produces an amazing, uplifting high.


The Mandarin Lime High Energy Blend ZootDrops are sugar free, vegan, gluten free and contain no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. They contain 100mg THC per bottle and have a child-resistant measuring cap. You can mix ZootDrops concentrates with any favorite drink like tea, lemonade, soda or you can put it directly under your tongue.

The Sativa Concentrate looks like cloudy orange juice. The cap is similar to the top of a Visine bottle. Very easy to measure dosing. It’s a good idea to rinse off the cap after pouring, as it could get very sticky.

I tried it straight, no mixer to get a taste of the product by itself. It had the distinct taste of bottled mandarin orange juice plus lime with a strong medicinal flavor. I mixed it in orange juice and was unable to detect any medicinal taste.

ZootDrops are very potent, so as with any new THC product you ingest, start with half of your normal dose. Normally 10 mg of THC provides the effects I prefer. I only used 5mg the first time trying ZootDrops and I was glad I did. I usually drink coffee or something with caffeine to help boost absorption of edibles. I am sensitive to caffeine and have at most 2 cups of coffee in one day. I felt a strong caffeinated effect just from the half a dose, as I already had half a cup of coffee in my system. I appreciated the energy and focus, though caffeine can produce an “edgy” feeling for me when I have too much, and that is what I started to feel. I stopped drinking the coffee and just let the ZootDrops do their thing, so I wasn’t uncomfortable, just felt a bit hyper-caffeinated. the effects subsided after a few hours.

I tried a 7.5mg dose next, using a measuring spoon to get 3/4 of a teaspoon. I had noticeable effects and had energy for a nice long walk. When I tried a full dose, I did so without caffeine as I think it would be too much for me. One serving contains the same amount of caffeine as half an espresso shot, so a full 10mg dose for me contained a full espresso shot and it feels like it.

ZootDrops Cannabis-Infused High Energy Sativa Blend Mandarin Lime flavor

It can take up to two hours to feel the effects of these concentrates, so be patient. Don’t up your dose because you don’t think it’s working.

After 20 minutes I could feel the caffeine buzz. By 70 minutes, I began to have a light buzz. Then I felt elevated in the most enjoyable way. Like the Zoots nuggets, this was a very up, happy high.

The high lasted 2 hours. There weren’t any munchies from this concentrate. When I tried this Concentrate again, I felt the same euphoric buzz. It was calming and uplifting at the same time. The second time I tried ZootDrops the high lasted a little over 2 hours.

ZootDrops Premium Cannabis Infused Concentrate is really convenient, just mix with your favorite drink. The small size makes it easy to take on the road and the self contained serving size cap means you can measure out a dose anywhere, even without a measuring spoon.

We recommend ZootDrops. The high is euphoric and consistent. The dosing is simple and I have never had a better glass of orange juice! Energetic nirvana is within reach!

Zoots edibles are available at licensed marijuana retailers in Illinois, Washington, Colorado and Massachusetts.

Strength: 8

Flavor: 6

Website: https://www.ionicbrands.com/our-brands

Love’s Oven Peanut Butter Cannabis Brownies Review

The last time I visited my local dispensary they had just finished stocking up a bunch of new edibles. I always ask my friendly budtender for recommendations. Her first suggestion was Love’s Oven Baked Peanut Butter Brownies. I’ve tried their Baklava before and loved it. So, I bought a container of Peanut Butter Brownies as well as another Baklava one and happily drove home.

Love’s Oven Baked Peanut Butter Brownies are individually wrapped pieces in 10mg doses. This is strain specific Sativa. The dose is a small rectangle that is very crumbly. The Brownies had just a hint of peanut butter. I was expecting a stronger, nutty taste. There’s also mild medicinal taste that’s not off-putting.

Loves Oven Peanut Butter Brownies

They use gluten-free flour, so there is no wheat or gluten in these brownies. They do contain dairy, so not suitable for vegans but okay for ovo-lacto vegetarians (vegetarians that consume dairy and eggs).

After one hour, Love’s Oven Baked Peanut Butter Brownies gave me an amazing, upbeat buzz. It’s great to find edibles that provide a euphoric high. The Peanut Butter Brownies provided a consistent, strong, heady high that lasted almost two hours. Throughout the time I felt active and energetic.

Loves Oven Peanut Butter Brownies in Package

Love’s Oven Baked Peanut Butter Brownies did give me the munchies. So be prepared, have a healthy snack supply ready!

It’s so important to ask your budtender’s recommendations and to be open to new edibles! I would definitely purchase more of Love’s Oven Baked Peanut Butter Brownies. The euphoric high is exactly what I look for in cannabis edibles.

Strength: 7

Taste: 7

Website: http://www.choosethelove.com

Space Gem Sour & Sweet Cannabis Spacedrops Review

Space Gems are gumdrop-style candies made in Humboldt County, California with ice water hash. The box contains 6 candies that each contain 10mg of THC, a total of 60mg for the box.

They are vegan, which is still hard to find in gummy or gum drop edibles, a big plus for everyone who wants to reduce their impact on animals and the planet.

They do not come in Indica or Sativa styles, but they come in Sweet or Sour “Spacedrops”. They are clearly marked with a suggested 10mg serving size of one “drop”, something we always appreciate in our edibles.

Texture and Taste

SPace Gem Sweet Inside

They do look like little sparkling gems in the box. They have a gummy-like taste and a gumdrop-like texture, with sugar covering a squishy square. The texture is exactly what you would expect with a gum drop. Both taste quite good, the Sour flavor brings an extra sour and the Sweet is not too cloying with a pleasant sweetness.


Since they are made from hash we assumed there would be a hash-like effect of a heavy head, with a strong pull to the couch and to inaction. I was surprised that the effect seemed pretty well balanced between sativa and indica effects, with the focus and some energy while still relaxed. I never felt “over revved up” or that over-caffeinated feeling you can get with strong sativa edibles. I definitely experienced the heightened senses, including the munchies.

A very good tasting handmade vegan edible, mostly relaxing effects with some focus and a little energy. Enjoy a cruelty-free edible with no animal products!

Strength: 6

Flavor: 8

Link: SpaceGemCandy.com